Yes, the New School Libraries and Archives tries to collect two copies of each print issue. We also collect digital publications. See this FAQ for details on how to submit a digital publication.

You can help the New School Libraries and Archives to document our university’s history by donating multiple copies of your print journal, magazine, zine, or newspaper.

The first copy is retained by the Archives in its New School Periodicals Collection. 

The second copy becomes part of Special Collections, with access to the publication by individual appointment in the Archives and Special Collections reading room, located at 66 Fifth Avenue, Room N102, or by classes in the University Center Library. Special Collections copies are cataloged in the online library catalog, and discoverable by researchers through WorldCat.

We also accept donations of books authored and published by The New School and its community members. We request two copies, if possible.

Please note that publications delivered to Archives and Special Collections unsolicited will not be returned and may be disposed of. 

To donate publications, please contact The New School Archives and Special Collections by e-mail at or by phone at 212.229.5942

August 23, 2024